Social Science Class 10 Money and Cradit Extra Short Queston Answers

                  Social Science         
         Class 10 Economics.       
   Money and Cradit Short                Queston Answer.           

Social Science Class 10 Important Questions Economics Chapter 3 Money and Credit Class 10 Important Questions

1. Why are transactions made i money?

Answer: A person holding money can easily

exchange it for any commodity or service that he or

she might want.


2. How is money beneficial in transactions? [CBSE

(F) 2017]

Answer: Money beneficial in transactions. It

eliminates the need for double coincidence of

wants. It acts as a medium of exchange.


3. What is ‘double coincidence of wants’?

Answer: What a person desires to sell is exactly

what the other wishes to buy.


4. What is barter system?

Answer: When goods are directly exchanged for

goods and there is no use of money, it is called

barter system.

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5. How does the use of money make it easier to

exchange things? Give an example.

Answer: A person holding money can easily

exchange it for any commodity or service that he or

she might want.

Example: The shoe manufacturer will first

exchange shoes that he has produced for money

and then exchange the money for wheat.

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6. Why one cannot refuse a payment made in

rupees in India? [CBSE (Delhi) 2016]

Answer: One cannot refuse a payment made in

rupees in India: Because it is accepted as a

medium of exchange. The currency is authorized by

the government of the country.

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7. Highlight the inherent problem in double

coincidence of wants. [CBSE (Delhi) 2017]

Answer: The inherent problem in double

coincidence of wants is that both parties have to

agree to sell and buy each other’s commodities.


8. What was used as money in early ages in India?

Answer: In the very early ages, Indians used grains

and cattle as money.

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9. Which metals were used for making coins in

India in later stages?

Answer: Gold, Copper, Silver coins were used in

later stages for making coins in India.


10. What does modern form of money include?

Answer: Modern form of money includes currency—

that is paper notes and coins.

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11. Does modern currency have any use of its own?


Unlike the things that were used as money earlier,

modern currency is not made of

precious metal such as gold, silver and copper. And

unlike grain and cattle, they are neither of

everyday use. The modern currency is without any

use of its own.

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12. Why is modern currency accepted as a medium

of exchange?


It is accepted as a medium of exchange because

the currency is authorised by the

government of the country.

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13. In India, who is authorised to issue notes and



In India, ‘Reserve Bank of India’ issues currency

notes on behalf of the central



14. What are ‘demand deposits’?


People deposit their money in the bank as it earns

interest. Since the deposits in the

bank accounts can be withdrawn on demand, these

deposits are called demand deposits.

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15. What is a ‘cheque’? [CBSE (F) 2017]


A cheque is a paper, instructing the bank to pay a

specific amount from the person’s

account to the person on whose name the cheque

has been issued.

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16. What do the banks do with the deposits which

they accept from the public?


(i) Banks keep only a small proportion of their

deposits as cash with themselves.

(ii) Major portion of the money deposits are used to

extend loans.


17. How do banks act as a mediator?


Banks mediate between those who have surplus

funds (depositors) and those who are

in need of these funds (the borrowers).

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18. Why is it difficult for poor to get loan from

Banks? [CBSE (AI) 2017]


Absence of Collateral is one of the major reasons

which prevent the poor from getting

bank loans.

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19. What is the main source of income of the

banks, if they forward the depositor’s money to

the lender?

Answer: Banks charge a higher rate of interest on

loans than what they offer on deposits. The

difference between what is charged from

borrowers and what is paid to depositors is their

main source of income.

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20. What is ‘credit’?


Credit (loan) refers to an agreement in which the

lender supplies the borrowers with

money, goods or services in return for the promise

of future payment.

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21. What do the farmers in rural areas take loans



Farmers take loans for crop production which

involves considerable costs on seeds,

fertilizers, pesticides, water, electricity, repair of

equipment, etc.

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22. What is a ‘debt trap’?


Credit in some cases pushes the borrower into a

situation from which recovery is very


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23. What is ‘credit’? What is ‘collateral’?


Credit (loan) refers to an agreement in which the lender

supplies the borrowers with money, goods or services in return

for the promise of future payment.

‘Collateral’ is an asset that the borrower owns

(such as land, building, vehicle, live

stocks, deposits with banks) and uses this as a

guarantee to a lender until the loan is repaid.

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24. What are the main ‘terms of credit’?

Answer: Interest rate, collateral and

documentation requirement and the mode of

repayment together comprise what is called ‘terms

of credit’.


25. What are informal sectors of loan?

Answer: Informal sectors include moneylenders,

traders, employers, relatives and friends, etc.

26. What are the formal sectors of loan?

Answer: Formal sectors of loan include all the

banks and cooperatives.

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27. Why are most of the poor households deprived

from the formal sector of loans? [CBSE (AI)


Answer: Most of the poor households are deprived

from the formal sector of loans because of:

(i) Lack of collateral.

(ii) They are illiterate.

(iii) Cannot fulfill the formalities of the formal

sector of loans.

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28. What report is submitted periodically by all the

banks to RBI?

Answer: Periodically, banks have to submit

information to the RBI on how much they are

lending, to whom and at what rate.

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29. Why do informal sectors charge interest rate at

their own risks?

Answer: There is no organisation which supervises

the credit activities of lenders in the informal

sector. Therefore, they lend at whatever interest

rate they choose. No one stops them from using

unfair means to get their money back.

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30. Why do banks and cooperatives need to lend


Answer: Banks and cooperative societies need to

lend more. This would lead to higher incomes

and many more could then borrow cheaply for a

variety of needs. Cheap and affordable credit is

crucial for the country’s development.

31. Why should credit at reasonable rates be

available to all?

Answer: At present, it is the rich households who

receive formal credit whereas the poor have to

depend on the informal sources. It is important that

the formal credit is distributed more equally

so that the poor can benefit from the cheaper


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32. What prevents the poor from getting bank



Bank loans require proper documents and

collateral. Absence of collateral is one of the

major reasons which prevents the poor from

getting bank loans.

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33. Prove with an argument that there is a great

need to expand formal sources of credit in

rural India. [CBSE (AI) 2016]


To expand formal sources of credit in rural India,

dependence on informal sources of

credit has to be reduced.

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34. What are SHGs?


They are Self Help Groups, who provide mutual

support to each other.


35. For what purposes do SHGs give loans to its


Answer: Small loans are provided to the members

for releasing mortgaged land, for meeting

working capital needs like buying seeds, fertilizers,

raw materials like bamboo and cloth for

housing, materials for acquiring assets like sewing

machines, handloom, cattle, etc.

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36. Give any two advantages of SHGs.


(i) SHGs help borrowers overcome the problem of


(ii) They can get timely loans for a variety of

purposes and at reasonable rates.

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37. How does the use of money make it easier to

exchange things?


In an economy where money is in use, it eliminates

the need for double coincidence of

wants by providing the crucial intermediate step.

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38. What do you mean by the term ‘collateral’?

[CBSE Sample Paper 2017]


It is an asset that the borrower owns and uses this

guarantee to a lender until the loan

is repaid.

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39. Recognize the situation when both the parties

in a barter economy have to agree to sell

and buy each other’s commodities? What is it

called? [CBSE Sample Paper 2016]


This is known as double coincidence of wants.

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40. Amit is using his money to buy assets like

house, commercial land and machines. Write

what is he actually doing? [CBSE Sample Paper



He is investing his money with a hope of earning

profits from these assets.

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41. How do the deposits with banks become their

source of income? [CBSE (Delhi) 2016]


The Source of income of bank: Banks charge

higher interest rate on loans than what

they offer on deposits. The difference of interest is

the main source of income of banks.

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42. Compare formal sector loans with informal

sector of loans regarding interest only. [CBSE

(Delhi) 2016]


Comparison of formal sector loans with informal:

Most of the informal lenders charge a

much higher interest on loans than the formal

sector loans.

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43. Why is the supervision of the functioning of

formal sources of loans necessary? [CBSE (AI)



Supervision of the functioning of formal sources of

loans is necessary because—Banks have to submit

information to the RBI on how much they are

lending to when they are lending and what interest

rate, etc.

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44. How does money eliminate the need for double

coincidence of wants? [CBSE (F) 2016]


If you have money in your pocket, you can purchase

anything at any time as you wish

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