Nationalism in India MCQ and Important Points Class 10

Nationalism in India MCQ and Important Points Class 10

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Important Points

 1. Satyagraha: Satyagraha loosely construed as “emphasis on truth”, “allegiance to the truth” or “truth force”. It is a particular variant of non-violent resistance or civil resistance. The term Satyagraha was concocted by Mahatma Gandhi. He aimed to implement Satyagraha in the context of Indian Independence Movement and also during his earlier struggles in South Africa for the Indians’ rights.

2. Picket: A strand of protest or demonstration by which people block the entrance to a shop, factory or office.

3. Begar: Labour that the villagers were compelled to contribute without any form of payment.

4. Boycott: The denial to liaise with people, or participate in activities, or buy and use things. It indicates a variant of protest.

5. Nationalism: Nationalism is a political, socio-economic system characterised by propagating the interests of particular nation. It aims to gain and maintain self-governance, or complete sovereignty over the groups’ homeland.6. Swaraj: Swaraj means self-governance or “self-rule”. It is tantamount to “home-rule” coined by Swami Dayanand Saraswati and subsequently developed by Mahatma Gandhi. However, the word ‘Swaraj’ actually means Gandhiji’s concept for Indian Independence from foreign exploitation.

7. Martial Law: Martial Law indicates the foisting of direct military control of normal civilian functions of government, particularly in relation to a temporary emergency like intrusion or major disaster in an occupied region.

8. Guerrilla Movement: Guerrilla movement is a variant of disorganised warfare in which a small cohort of combatants such as para-military personnel, armed civilians or rebels deployed military tactics such as ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare and mobility to lead a larger and less-mobilised conventional military.

9. Forced recruitment : It is a system by which the colonial state compelled people to join the army.

10. Civil Disobedience Movement : Civil disobedience is the active, professed denial of a citizen to follow certain rules and laws of the state, orders and commands of a government. Civil disobedience is tantamount to non-violent or passive resistance. Mahatma Gandhi ji initiated the civil disobedience against the aggressive British rule in the nation.

11. Rowlatt Act : The Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act of 1919 was popularly regarded as the Rowlatt Act. It was interchangeably known as the Black Act. It was an act of legislation passed by the Imperial Legislative Council in Delhi on March 18, 1919.

Multiply Choice Question

12. Gandhiji organised Satyagraha to support the peasants in Kheda district of Gujarat :

(a) 1913 

(b) 1916 

(c) 1917 

(d) 1918 

Ans. (c) 1917

13. Mahatma Gandhi organised Satyagraha movement amongst cotton mill workers in Ahmedabad in :

(a) 1913 

(b) 1918 

(c) 1919

(d) 1920 

Ans. (b) 1918

14. Jallianwalla Bagh incident took place on : (a) 13 April, 1919 

(b) 13 April, 1909

 (c) 6 April, 1930 

(d) 5 March, 1931

Ans. (a) 13 April 1919

15. The Congress Session at Nagpur was held in :

(a) September, 1920

(b) April, 1919

(c) November, 1920

(d) December, 1920

Ans. (D) December 1920

16. The Non-Cooperation Khilafat Movement began in :

(a) April, 1919

(b) January, 1921

(c) November, 1920

(d) March, 1931

Ans. (a) January 1921

17. Which of the following formed the Khilafat Committee in


(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah

(b) Ali Brothers

(c) Abdul Ghaffar Khan

(d) Surendra Nath Banerjee

Ans. (b) Ali Brothers

18. What did the Rowlatt Act, 1919 presume?

(a) Detention of political prisoners without trial

(b) Forced recruitment in the army

(c) Forced manual labour

(d) Equal pay for equal work

Ans. (a) Detention of political prisoners without trial

19. In which country did Gandhiji develop his method of Satyagraha?

(a) England

(b) India

(c) South Africa

(d) Israel

Ans. (c) South Africa

20. What was the effect of the Non-Cooperation Movement on

the plantation workers in Assam?

(a) They left the plantations and headed home.

(b) They went on strike.

(c) They destroyed the plantations.

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a) They left the plantations and headed home

21. Identify the act and choose the correct option :

(i) The Act was passed by the Imperial Legislative Council.

(ii) It gave power to the government to repress political activities.

(iii) It empowered the government to detain the political prisoner without trial.


(a) Rowlatt Act 

(b) Vernacular Press Act 

(c) Government of India Act 

(d) Inland Emigration Act 

Ans. (a) Rowlatt Act

22. Identify the Memorial built for the people who were killed at this place in an incident.

(a) Chauri Chaura 

(b) Satyagraha 

(c) Jallianwalla Bagh 

(d) Non-Cooperation

Ans. (c) Jallianwala Bagh

23. Which one of the following cities is associated with the formation of Khilafat Committee in the year 1919?

(a) Bombay 

(b) Lucknow 

(c) Calcutta 

(d) Amritsar 

Ans. (a) Bombay

26. Which year among the following is associated with return of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa to India?

(a) February, 1915 

(b) January, 191 

(c) December, 1915 

(d) January, 1915 

Ans. (d) January, 1915

27. In which year among the following Indian workers in South Africa marched through Volksrust?

(a) 6 Nov, 1917

(b) 12 Nov, 1912

(c) 6 Nov, 1913

(d) 5 Nov, 1914

Ans. (c) 6 Nov, 1913

28. Who among the following led the Indian workers fromN ewcastle to Transvaal?

(a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

(b) General Dyer

(c) Lord Irwin

(d) Mahatma Gandhi

Ans. (d) Mahatma Gandhi

29. Who among the following gave the idea of Satyagraha tot he world?

(a) Bhagat Singh

(b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Rabindranath Tagore

(d) Dwarkanath Tagore

Ans. (b) Mahatma Gandhi

30. Identify the place where Mahatma Gandhi went to organizet he Satyagraha Movement amongst Cotton Mill Workers in1918:

(a) Gorakhpur

(b) Allahabad

(c) Dandi

(d) Ahmedabad

Ans. (d) Ahmedabad

31. In which year Gandhiji decided to launch a nationwideS atyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act?

(a) 1919

(b) 1917

(c) 1920

(d) 1910

Ans. (a) 1919

32. Who among the following took command after Martial laww as imposed in India following hartal due to imposing of Rowlatt Act?

(a) General Dyer

(b) Lord Irwin

(c) John Simon

(d) Lord Curzon

Ans. (a) General Dyer

33. In which of the following sessions of Congress the Non-Cooperation proposal was adopted?

(a) Calcutta Session

(b) Nagpur Session

(c) Madras Session

(d) Bombay Session

Ans. (b) Nagpur Session

34. Which of the following communities chanted Gandhiji’sn ame and raised slogan demanding `Swatantra Bharat 'during the Non- Cooperation Movement?

(a) Tribals

(b) Dalits

(c) Women

(d) Plantation workers

Ans. (d) Plantation workers

35. After the_______incident, Gandhiji was forced to halt the on-cooperation movement.

(a) Chauri Chaura

(b) Jallianwalla Bagh

(c) Visit of Simon Commission

(d) Salt MarchAns. (a) Chauri Chaura

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