Today in this post we are going to provide you some important questions of of Economics Class 10th Money and Credit Chapter 4 for term 2 Exam. This is Part-B
Message to the reader,
In the todays post we have provided all the answers important of the questions of Money and Credit in pointe wise. I suggest all the students must tried to answers in point wise in their all the exams, because when we write answers in the point wise the answers looks clear and the examiner don't need to spend more more on reading your single answers and he/she gives you full marks.
And one more thing writing every point you must leave one line and must leave two line after writing a complete answers when you are going to write next answers.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Marks Each)
1. Describe the role of technology in promoting globalisation process.
Ans. Technology in promoting globalisation process Rapid improvement in technology has stimulated the globalisation process.
(i) This has made much faster delivery of goods across long distances possible at lower costs.
(ii) Even more remarkable have been the developments in information and communication technology.
(iii) Technology in the areas of telecommunications, computers, Internet has been changing rapidly.
(iv) Telecommunication facilities (telegraph, telephone including mobile phones, fax) are used to contact one another around the world, to access information instantly, and to communicate from remote areas.
(v) This has been facilitated by satellite
2. Why do multinational corporations (MNCs) set up their offices and factories in certain areas only? Explain any five reasons.
Ans. Offices and factories of MNC’s .
(i) Availability of raw material.
(ii) Availability of skilled and unskilled labour at low costs.
(iii) Availability of other factors of production is assured like electricity etc.
(iv) Smaller companies are available.
(v) Where government policies are favourable to investors.
Detailed Answer:
Following are five reasons why multinational corporations set up their offices and factories in certain areas only:
(i) MNCs set up their companies in areas where they get cheap labour.
(ii) A large industry or a company means far more productivity so they need more labour and it will be just their benefit to get cheap labour .
(iii) While they select areas with high level of resources so that they can cut off the rate of transportations to an extent.
(iv) By choosing an area which is full of natural resources they can easily set up plants.
(v) By this, they can also provide their products to their consumers more efficiently and with more profit while cutting the costs involved in this.
3. How have our markets been transformed in recent years? Explain with examples.
E [CBSE Compartment, 2018]
How have our markets been transformed? Explain with examples. E [Board Term-II, 2016]
In recent years how our markets have been transformed? Explain with examples.
E [Board Term-II, Delhi Set 2015]
Ans. Markets have been transformed in recent years:
(i) We have a wide choice of goods and services before us.
(ii) The latest models of digital cameras, mobile phones and televisions made by the leading
manufacturers of the world are within our reach now.
(iii) Example: every season new models of automobiles can be seen on Indian roads.
(iv) Today, Indians are buying cars produced by nearly all the top companies in the world.
(v) A similar explosion of brands can be seen for many other goods; from shirts to televisions to processed fruit juices.
Short Answer Type Questions: Read Now